EDI In Touch Labor & Production Environments

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    • #12009
      Meagan Wells
      • She/Her/Hers
      • Boeing

      We’ve consistently experienced challenges when it comes to culture change in our manufacturing spaces due to some of the environmental barriers. Curious if you have faced this and had ideas or would be interested in forming a work group to talk through this and share ideas.

      Specific barriers:
      -computers/tech not available
      -employees not able to leave the work area
      -manager confidence in discussing EDI topics
      -some employees have no exposure to EDI topics beyond required compliance training
      -large workforce makes it very difficult to deploy trainers to facilitate discussions

      Does this sound like your company? I’d love to connect with other HR professionals to talk through what has worked & hasn’t in our respective companies to come to a solution to this more quickly that we all would on our own!

    • #12010
      Meagan Wells
      • She/Her/Hers
      • Boeing

      Ok for some reason I can’t see my original post…. maybe I’m doing it wrong.

      I’m hoping to connect with other folks in Manufacturing or Touch Labor environments particularly where your workforce doesn’t have access to computers or technology that is traditionally used to deploy learning solutions.

      I’d like to talk about what has & has not worked in our respective companies to see if we can come to a solution to learning delivery in large production environments as it related to EDI topics. Anyone else have challenges with this?

    • #12211
      Claudia Stephens
      • Bechtel Group

      Hello Everyone – I am looking for some samples of communication plans that you may have used or created to communicate transitioning in the workplace. Any good resource recommendations.


    • #12212
      Meagan Wells
      • She/Her/Hers
      • Boeing

      Hey Claudia, it looks like you replied to my thread instead of starting your own so people might not see your question. That said, when I started to revamp ours I began with HRC & O&Es resources and then searched other companies who had public facing policies or guides and took the best from there. I’d also recommend doing some listening with trans employees in your organization to see what their specific needs and barriers are

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