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Corina Hendren
  • she/her/hers
  • Out & Equal

Here are two great organizations that might point you in the right direction. Both are ahead of many in regards to same-sex adoption benefits.

1) New York Life

New York Life’s adoption benefit policy not only offers financial support, but it allows adoptive parents the time off to bond with their new child and ease the transition that comes with a growing family.

The company’s Adoption Assistance Program, which is available to all eligible adoptive parents at New York Life, provides:

Up to $10,000 in financial assistance to cover eligible adoption expenses for one child per family, per year.
Up to six months leave to spend fully dedicated time with a newly adopted child, including up to four weeks of paid leave.
Paid parental leave is available to fathers, domestic partners, and same-sex spouses.
For offering these benefits, New York Life was recently named an Adoption Advocate in this year’s Best Adoption-Friendly Workplace awards given by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.

2) Dave Thames Foundation of Adoption
As mentioned above is one of the leaders in adoption and are very inclusive of same sex couples this link takes you to an informative 15 page adoption fact sheet and also lists their phone number for you to get you specific information request on tax implications.

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